Kingston Art Centre "Art Blitz"


Once again, the annual Art Blitz Competeion is here! It is a competition run by the City of Kingston at the ‘Kingston Art Centre’ in Moorabbin. Create an artwork to a theme in 24 hours! It is a lot of fun. The theme is announced on 3RRR radio at 5pm, this year on the 2nd March and you have 24 hours to make an art piece. The theme this year was ‘Pop’! 

I have entered with my children each year as a fun activity we can do together. Last year my 4yr old daughter, took out 1st prize in the Pre-School category! The theme was ‘Free’ and she painted a bird flying with real feathers glued on from our own garden collection, and little plasticine buterflies she modelled and stuck on the canvas. She won an amazing package of art materials, which she was most pleased to receive and a great sense of achievement. We were all really proud!

This years theme meant one thing to her…party poppers. I painted bubble wrap and mono printed in onto my canvas. The theme as a reference in technique as much as in subject. It was fun to play around. Acrylic is so immediate! I ususally work in oils, so the drying time and what that translates to in terms of how you work is interesting. I love everything about oil paint though and do not mind having to at times, wait for days in between the layers.

I have our good neighbour Anne, an art teacher herself, to thank for telling me about the competition. This is our 4th year of Art Blitz and I hope they keep holding it!