'I'm back'

'I'm Back' 10" x 8" Oil/Glaze July 2014 I haven't posted in a while due to our families move across state from Dallas, Texas to the Bay Area in CA. Life has held a frantic pace with wrapping up life as knew it and heading off to an unknown to me but reputedly loved by all who have been there...San Francisco, California.

So far, so good, although It hasn't been without it's challenges, arriving after a 6 day, cross country trip across 5 States of America with loaded car and small child. All my art supplies packed in a truck, headed towards our new home with all our treasure's, just hours ahead of our own departure. I often looked, on the days we travelled, at the names on the sides of the 1,000's of long distance moving trucks we passed on our journey wondering; was it ours?

I don't like forgoing my studio time, especially for long periods as involved in a move, where packing up the studio, then transporting and in this case, again waiting 3 months to access the materials, means making do with other artistic pursuits to quench my thirst for paint and brush.

I paint on a larger scale that requires some space to move and slosh paint around without too much mindfulness. A furnished rental is not the place to play with messy paint. I'll be honest, with preparing a house for sale and packing up all your belongings to researching your new surrounds for homes beginning with good school districts, there isn't a lot of time for work, moving like this is a full time job.

Today, i couldn't take the lack of my mediums. I have been expressing my creativity in other ways of late but still, the need to paint bubbles up daily and I have to tell myself "soon". Well, we have been here a total of 3 and a bit weeks and 'soon' won't cut it i couln't wait for my studio to begin working.

I have purchased a mini kit of everything i need to express until i have my new studio. Thank you to my husband for noticing the 'Dick Blick' out of the corner of his eye in Berkeley at 5.45pm on a Sunday, when they close at 6pm and thank you 'Dick Blicks' for your 20% sale I wasn't expecting!

I am now at the kitchen table working on 10"X8"s. It feels good to be back!