Finished and Glazed


Here are the most recent paintings I have been working on.. Last night in the middle of a huge storm, I glazed them both with their final coats!
It was funny because this time last year we had a Tornado warning and my husband, daughter and I were sitting in the laundry cupboard, as directed, until it passed. Last night wasn't a full siren warning, just a watch between 6-10pm, but still enough to make a newbie to the Tornado experience a little nervous. I had planned to Glaze my paintings with their final coat.. My husband convinced me it was safe, after checking there was an electric over ride on the garage door as I was worried if the power went out I would be trapped, (nearly 9,000 homes lost power in DFW last night), I went out!
As I Glazed I thought how far I had come in terms of trusting the elements as compared to last year. I realized I would know if and when it was time to come in.
It was wonderful really. The Thunder was rumbling, fat rain poured down, Lightening lit up the sky with seconds between each flash and I had my Baptism Bowl out for final glazing.
I should explain: A couple of years back, a local church (that my fellow artist and friend Anthony Breslin actaully purchased to renovate as a Gallery/Studio), was having a clearance on all the furniture inside. I bought a beautiful church pew (always wanted one) and the Baptism bowl. I am not religious per se but I love the idea of coating the paintings with their final coat of Glaze from the Baptism bowl. It has become a ceremony of completion of a work. A blessing. 
So here they are. I have really enjoyed working on these and have several more on the go in the studio. The dimensions really come together layer by layer. Once again it is a trust process. Feeling my way with each color choice and daring to add another layer. There are a dozen or more layers in these works. Each one making more sense as the other's go down. I love it when that moment arrives and it feels complete. Hope you like them too.