Back in the studio!

It has been a very busy couple of months! Now the group shows and competitions are over, it is time to get back in the studio! What a joy to be painting again. Interestingly the work is coming through in different series, out of sequence yet again! I know now to trust the process though, as they will read together when they are complete. I had thought I would work on a series at a time systematically but it seems an extension of The Deep End series and a new series born from the Victorian Bushfires wish to be expressed.

This means I am working with a vast range of Blues and Natural tonings. I love The Deep End series. It is soothing to work with Ultamarine, Cobalt, Pthalo and Indigo. They are subtle paintings with much depth. The longer I spend with them, the more I see.

The new series is of faster application, capturing energy and movement. So far they read well together as a series but stand alone confidently too. Once again Olive is featured quite strongly, as in the Tree’s of Brazil series. Lots of glazing and layers, which I enjoy!

It is wonderful getting messy in the studio again. I love the smell and the feel of the paint as I mix the colors. The apprehension and trust as the layers go down, the feeling whilst waiting to see if something is working or not, the excitement when it does and the descision to keep going until